Truck of the month: Versalift VLT35 on Ford Ranger

Our final truck of the month for 2023 is our Versalift VLT35 on Ford Ranger compact truck, we are highlighting this unit for December as we want to remind you about the potential risks associated with using ladders to work on the power and energy network. We understand you value the importance of mitigating risk and safeguarding your team and this compact ute mounted Elevated Work Platform (EWP) is the secure and efficient alternative to working off ladders.
This unit has been designed with the kiwi linesman in front of mind. With the versatile Ford Ranger 4×4, there are fewer reasons to rely on ladders for pole climbing. It excels on highways, city streets, and off-road terrains, offering swift setup and safe operation in tight urban spaces or uneven fields. This unit ensures your safety when working at heights with this stable, reliable and compact EWP Ute mount, offering a 2-man bucket, 12m work height, LV rating, and no tail swing.
The key advantages of our compact ute-mounted EWP include:
Enhanced safety: Our EWP provides a stable platform for working at height, significantly reducing the risk of accidents compared to climbing ladders.
Increased efficiency: The compact Vehicle is easy to manoeuvre, enabling access to challenging locations versus a full-size bucket truck.
Compliance: This LV rated EWP meets all applicable industry safety standards and regulations, providing peace of mind for you and your team.
Versatility: Tailored to meet the demands of EDB’s throughout the country, whether its streetlighting, faults, construction, or maintenance, we have a solution to suit.